osai plastic free

Since 2018, also due to achievement of Environmental Management System Certification, OSAI has launched several initiatives aimed to improve its environmental performance in terms of energy savings and reduction of impacts.

In 2019, OSAI Management decided to progressively eliminate plastic from its factories, especially inside the areas of product packaging and company catering.

Particularly, by the end of 2019 plastic crockery and glasses, PET water and soft drinks bottles will be eliminated and replaced with biodegradable material or removed completely through a new supply process, different from current services.

The “Plastic-free OSAI” project also provides for the gradual reduction and / or replacement of traditional packaging, especially plastic packaging, with biodegradable alternatives, starting from next year.

These changes will allow to eliminate over 20,000 plastic PET bottles and about 75,000 glasses per year by 2020, with an overall reduction of over 10 tons of CO2 equivalent per year.

This further step demonstrates how much attention OSAI pays to issues relating to environmental impact and how environmental protection represents a fundamental element for company’s social responsibility policy.

To emphasize the commitment and importance of this policy, during the PRODUCTRONICA fair, which will take place this week in Germany in Munich, inside its own stand OSAI will not use disposable bottles or dishes but all washable material to demonstrate how, thanks to change of few simple habits and a greater care in choosing materials and processes, we can concretely contribute to the preservation of our planet.

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