During this global health emergency, also our company wants to give its contribution to support medical staff of our territory through this grueling battle against Coronavirus pandemic.

For this reason, we decided to create, with the implementation of 3D printing and our Laser processes, protective face shields to be donated for free to medical staff, hoping to provide an important and useful tool to protect doctors and health care professionals who fight daily at the forefront against the virus.

Currently, we have four 3D printers producing about 50 devices in 24 hours. In the next few days we will start, also thanks to the precious help from our employees, to deliver the first part of “OSAI Face Shields” production, especially to general practitioners of the Canavese area (around 200) and to the voluntary associations that with their tireless and silent, contribution donate hope to patients of Canavese.

On the basis of received requests, the Company expects to produce over 2000 face shields in the coming weeks.

We take this opportunity to thank our employees who actively collaborate every day, providing not only their tools, but also their skills and much of their time for this valuable initiative.

Lastly, we would like to thank Prusa Research for making the 3D printing project available, Fast Covering Systems, Saster, L.S.T., our historical partner, and FiloAlfa for supporting the initiative by quickly providing the materials necessary for production.

info: emergenzacovid@osai-as.com

It should be noted that the OSAI Face Shield is not an Individual Protection Device or a certified Medical Device. It is not suitable for uses other than social distancing or droplet effect protection.

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