Worldwide contact

Our headquarters is in Italy, located in Parella(TO), but we export our know-how worldwide through 3 branches located in Germany, China and the United States of America. In order to be ever closer to our customers and offer a more detailed service, we are are also assisted by an extensive global network of distributors and several manufacturing and commercial partnerships with leading Italian and international operators that enable widespread coverage of the main geographical areas of interest.


OSAI A.S. S.p.A. Società Benefit
Via della Cartiera 4
10010 Parella (TO) – ITALY
t. +39 0125.66.83.11

Our headquarters is in Italy, located in the heart of Canavese, in Parella (TO), inside the historic and century-old Paper Mill whose origins date back to the 1400s, where most of the production and coordination of all commercial activity takes place. Production activities also take place, from 2024, in the Samone plant, less than 6 km from the main site.

We are able to support our customers worldwide and we export our know-how through 3 branches located in Germany, China and the United States of America.

In order to be ever closer to our customers and offer a more detailed service, we are also assisted by an extensive global network of distributors and several manufacturing and commercial partnerships with leading Italian and international operators that enable widespread coverage of the main geographical areas of interest.

Below you will find detailed information about our global network of dealers, from Texas to China!