Electronic Water Pump Assembly Line

Fully automatic assembling and testing line for electronic water pump for passengers cars with start&stop system.

Key points

Assembly stations
N. 25

Takt time
22 sec./part

Primer, glue, silicon dosing

Rotor magnetization

Thermal paste dispensing and check

Soldering systems
Laser and hot iron

AOI check

EOL test

Leakage and vacuum test

Full traceability, MES integration

Electronic Water Pump Assembly Line

Fully automatic assembling and testing line for electronic water pump for passengers cars with start&stop system.

Key points

Assembly stations
N. 25

Takt time
22 sec./part

Primer, glue, silicon dosing

Rotor magnetization

Thermal paste dispensing and check

Soldering systems
Laser and hot iron

AOI check

EOL test

Leakage and vacuum test

Full traceability, MES integration